High induction, side blow diffuser with manually adjustable multi-stream discharge pattern, for draught-free air supply from walls or bulkheads.

Mixed flow discharge: High induction discharge intensely mixes supply air with room air. Strong supply air dilution with rapid discharge velocity decay produces draught-free, high momentum supply air motion of uniform temperature distribution over short or long throws. Ideal for enhanced thermal comfort (ADPI ≥ 90%).

Return air: Also suitable for use as a return air inlet.

Wall location: Air supply from sidewall, bulkhead or side of duct.

Low temperature supply: May be used for low temperature (cold air) supply systems (Tsupply ≈ 10 °C), where ∆Tsupply-room ≥ -12 K.

VAV dependent throw: VAV turndown to approximately 50% @ ∆Tsupply-room ≈ -12 K, with throw dependent upon airflow rate.

Adjustable direction: Multistream jets are individually adjustable, providing air pattern direction, spread and throw adjustment for up/down, left/right, short, medium or long throw.

Manual adjustment: Manual air pattern adjustment through diffuser face by means of an Allen key avoids inadvertent changes to discharge pattern setting (eg by cleaners).

Rectangular face shape: Height from 134 to 251 mm. Standard width options: 612, 950 and 1490 mm. Bespoke widths: 207 to 1490 mm.

Perforated face pattern: Discharge through perforated metal face with 60° stagger.

Plastic face: Black recessed adjustable discharge elements.

Metal face: Perforated metal finish in extruded aluminium frame, painted to colour of choice.